Privacy is paramount at FAQbucket: FAQ App, and we’re dedicated to safeguarding your personal information. Our Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, utilize, and protect your data when you install our app on your Shopify-supported store. By using our app, you agree to the practices outlined in this policy.

Here’s an overview of our practices:

Information Collection: Upon installation, we gather specific data from your Shopify account to enhance your user experience. This includes accessing themes to seamlessly integrate app features with your store.

Use of Personal Information: We do not collect personal information from users. Our app features solely display products, eliminating the need for personal data collection.

Sharing of Personal Information: Your privacy is our priority, and we refrain from disclosing your personal information unless necessary for legal compliance or to protect rights and safety.

Data Security: We implement industry-standard security measures to protect your personal information. However, while we strive for security, please note that no method of data transmission or storage is entirely foolproof.

Your Consent: By installing and using FAQbucket: FAQ App, you consent to the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information as outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Changes to the Privacy Policy: We reserve the right to update our Privacy Policy as needed. Any revisions will be effective immediately upon posting on this page, so we encourage you to check back periodically for updates.

Contact Us: If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints regarding our Privacy Policy or data practices, please reach out to us at [email protected]

Thank you for choosing FAQbucket: FAQ App. We’re dedicated to offering you the best service while prioritizing the protection of your privacy.